5. Choose one modern-day leader who you believe follows Locke’s philosophy and one modern day leader who follows Hobbes philosophy. Describe what characteristics each leader possesses that leads you to believe he/she follows the specific philosophy. Discuss any historical circumstances surrounding each leader that might have influenced him/her to choose to lead using this particular philosophy.

I believe that Donald Trump’s ideas relate to John Locke’s ideas.  This is due to the fact that both believe that a person’s natural rights can’t be taken away.  Such natural rights include freedom of speech, religion, and the press (Congress for kids, amendments). In addition, both follow the idea of the government not having too much power.  Today, the government has three branches to ensure that no branch or person receives too much power; which causes the government to not be too strong and to not have too much power over the people (Congress for kids, checks and balances).  Locke believed something very similar; that government shouldn’t be too powerful because that would take away some of the people’s natural rights. Lastly, both feel that it’s not a good idea to mix religion and government.  Trump and Locke both keep these two topics separated, thinking that if they were to be put together it would negatively influence the government’s laws and decisions (All about history, separation of church and state). It would cause biases and force there to be only one religion to be followed (which goes against a person’s natural rights).  

Such historical circumstances that would affect Trump's ideas is the constitution and the amendments (Baltzell, George W., Constitution of the United States- We the People).  The constitution had helped set up the government by creating guidelines that are still followed. The amendment was a document that had laid down natural rights for the people.  These two historical documents had created a layout for what each president should do. Due to this Trump had followed this layout, which happens to be very similar to the ideas of John Locke.    

Kim Jong-Un’s ideas for government and society and closely related to those of Thomas Hobbes.  Thomas Hobbes believed that a strong and powerful government was needed to ensure peace in the country (Thomas Hobbes worksheet).  This idea is very similar to the idea of a dictator. Kim Jong-Un is the rule of North Korea and has absolute power. With him having absolute power, the people of North Korea have no say in government decisions or representation in government (WorldAtlas, What type of government does North Korea have?).  This is the idea that Hobbes had in mind when it came to government. The fact that North Korea had been communist for most of its history had made it seem to Kim Jong-Un that it was the normal thing to rule the country with absolute power.  Family members of Kim Jong-Un had used similar tactics when ruling North Korea. Due to this Kim Jong-Un thought it would be right to follow in his family members footsteps (BBC news, The strange history of North Korea's communists).



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