1. Discuss to what extent each philosopher’s religious views influenced their thoughts on government and society.

Each philosopher’s religious views had influenced their thoughts on government and society.  For instance, John Locke was a Christian (Hobbes and Locke Comparison/Contrast/Critique); and was apart of the Protestant Parliament. Therefore, he was against the Roman Catholic King James II.  His beliefs as a Protestant also led him to believe that in society naturals rights such as life, liberty, and property were very important and could not be taken away or even be given up by the person.  In addition, he also believed that the social contract was between the people and the king rather than it being among the people. In addition, to his thoughts on society being influenced, his thoughts on government was influenced as well.  He believed that government was there to protect the natural rights of the people, protect their property, and to promote the idea of trade. To add to this, he had preferred a representative government, such as the English Parliament. However, he had only wanted the representatives to be landowners and businessmen (John Locke worksheet).

Thomas Hobbes was an Atheist (Hobbes and Locke Comparison/Contrast/Critique).  Due to this, it led him to believe that religion wasn’t a good thing and that it would lead to civil war.  Due to this religious view, he had thought differently about government than John Locke did. He had thought that the church should have their separate part in government to control religious affairs (Thomas Hobbes worksheet).  Furthermore, Hobbes had believed that the government should have absolute power and there should be a very strong sovereign to ensure that there is a peaceful society. The sovereign would create and enforce the laws.  In addition to government, Hobbes had certain thoughts on society. He believed that with natural rights people should come together to lay down what they believe is equal and fair. Then once that’s done, complete power should be given to sovereign (Thomas Hobbes worksheet).  Also, Hobbes believed that the social contract was among the people rather than it being between the people and the king. This is how Thomas Hobbes’ religious views had influenced his thoughts and ideas on government and society.


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