What is Locke reading?

Book One:
"Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom" by Condoleezza Rice
amazon summary

Image result for Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom

Book Two:
"A Declaration of Independence: A Global History" by David Armitage
amazon summary

Image result for The Declaration of Independence: A Global History

Book Three:
"Two Treatises of Government" by John Locke
amazon summary

Image result for two treatises of government amazon

Book Four:
"Democracy: A History" by John Dunn
amazon summary
Image result for Democracy: A History by john dunn

Book Five:
"The Political Theory of the American Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and The Moral Conditions of Freedom" by Thomas G. West
amazon summary

Image result for The Political Theory of the American Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom


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